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Mort, Le (1909)
Mother-in-Law Has All the Luck (1909)
Moulin maudit, Le (1909)
Mountaineer's Honor, The (1909)
Mousquetaire de la reine, Le (1909)
Mr. Flip (1909)
Mr. Henpeck's Revolt (1909)
Mr. Jones Has a Card Party (1909)
Mr. Jones' Burglar (1909)
Mrs. and Mr. Duff (1909)
Mrs. Jones Entertains (1909)
Mrs. Jones' Birthday (1909)
Mrs. Jones' Lover; or, 'I Want My Hat' (1909)
Muggins, V.C. (1909)
Mutterliebe (1909)
My Dolly (1909)
My Girl's a Yorkshire Girl (1909)
My Little Deutscher Girl (1909)
My Little Yiddisher Boy (1909)
My Rainbow (1909)
My Word, If I Catch You Smoking! (1909)
Myortvye dushi (1909)
Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (1909)
Mystère du château des roches noires, Le (1909)
Mystères de Paris, Les (1909)
Mère de Nana, La (1909)
Mère du moine, La (1909)
Ma blanchisseuse hérite (1908)
Macbeth (1908)
Macht des Walzers, Die (1908)
Madame a des envies (1908)
Magic Bricks (1908)
Magic of Catchy Songs (1908)
Main secourable, La (1908)
Make Believe (1908)
Making Moving Pictures (1908)
Mala Sinistra, A (1908)
Mallorca, isla dorada (1908)
Maman n'ira plus à la fête (1908)
Man and His Bottle, The (1908)
Man and the Woman, The (1908)
Man in the Box, The (1908)
Maniobras en el molino del rey (1908)
Manuel du parfait gentleman, Le (1908)
Many Is the Time (1908)
March Winds (1908)
Maria Marten (1908)
Mariage de raison et mariage d'amour (1908)
Mariage de Thomas Poirot, Le (1908)
Marie Stuart (1908)
Marriage of Krechinsky, The (1908)
Marâtre, La (1908)
María Rosa (1908)
Mazeppa (1908)
Memory of His Mother, The (1908)
Merchant of Venice, The (1908)
Mes espérances en 1908 (1908)
Miracle des roses, Le (1908)
Misadventures of a Sheriff (1908)
Mischances of a Photographer, The (1908)
Mixed Babies (1908)
Moitié de polka (1908)
Molino de San Mateo, Atlixco (1908)
Mon chef vient déjeuner (1908)
Mon pantalon est décousu (1908)
Monasterio de Poblet (1908)
Monday Morning in a Coney Island Police Court (1908)
Money Mad (1908)
Monkey Man, The (1908)
Montezuma (1908)
Moscou sous la neige (1908)
Moses Sells a Collar Button (1908)
Mouchoir de Marie, Le (1908)
Moços de Fretes Têm Sede, Os (1908)
Mr. Jones at the Ball (1908)
Mummer's Daughter, The (1908)
Muselière improvisée, La (1908)
Music Master, The (1908)
My Wife's Dog (1908)
Mystery of the Garrison (1908)
Méprise (1908)
Madame aime les moustaches (1907)
Magical Galatea, A (1907)
Magical Press, The (1907)
Maison morcelée, La (1907)
Man Monkey, The (1907)
Manifestación del 18 de julio en Mexico (1907)
March of the Light Cavalry (1907)
Marche funèbre de Chopin, La (1907)
Marcus Lycinius (1907)
Mari modèle, Le (1907)
Mariage de Victorine, Le (1907)
Masher, The (1907)
Matinee Idol, The (1907)
Matrimonio aristocratico (1907)
Mattschiche Dance (1907)
Max patineur (1907)
Mesalliance (1907)
Mill Girl, The (1907)
Miss Kellerman's Diving Feats (1907)
Mister Wiskey (1907)
Miya Sama (1907)
Model's Ma, The (1907)
Montserrat (1907)
Monumento a Juarez en Zapotlan (1907)
Mordet paa Fyn (1907)
More Humane Mikado, A (1907)
Mort d'un toréador, La (1907)
Mort de Jules César, La (1907)
Mother's Dream (1907)
Moving Day (1907)
Mr. Gay and Mrs. (1907)
Mr. Hurry-up (1907)
Mr. Inquisitive (1907)
Muerte del tirano, La (1907)
My Indian Anna (1907)
Mésaventures d'un cycliste myope, Les (1907)
Métempsycose (1907)
Mad Dog (1906)
Madama Putifarre (1906)
Maestro Do-mi-sol-do, Le (1906)
Magic Bottle, The (1906)
Magie à travers les âges, La (1906)
Maialini (1906)
Mais n'te promène donc pas toute nue (1906)
Maison hantée, La (1906)
Malabares Grand Masonic Procession, The (1906)
Malheurs de Madame Durand, Les (1906)
Mallorca (1906)
Man with the Ladder and the Hose, The (1906)
Manovre alpine (1906)
Manovre degli alpini a Colle Ranzola (1906)
Married for Millions (1906)
Matelas de la mariée, Le (1906)
Matelas épileptique, Le (1906)
Matrimonio Mulin, Il (1906)
Meißner Porzellan (1906)
Mellem Aber og Bjørne (1906)
Merca del bestiame nell'agro romano, La (1906)
Meurt-de-faim, Les (1906)
Midwinter Night's Dream; or, Little Joe's Luck, A (1906)
Miners Daughter, The (1906)
Mireille (1906)
Miserere (Il Travatore) (1906)
Missing Legacy; or, The Story of a Brown Hat, The (1906)
Modern Oliver Twist, A (1906)
Monumento a la independencia (1906)
Mortelle idylle (1906)
Mr. Butt-in (1906)
Mrs. Brown Goes Home to Her Mother (1906)
Macaroni Feast, A (1905)
MacNab's Visit to London (1905)
Malia dell'oro, La (1905)
Martyrs de l'Inquisition, Les (1905)
Mary Is Dry (1905)
Menuet lilliputien, Le (1905)
Mercado central, mercado guazú (1905)
Message from the Sea, A (1905)
Midwinter Bathing, L Street Bath, Boston (1905)
Miller's Daughter, The (1905)
Mining District, The (1905)
Mixed Babies (1905)
Mochuelo, El (1905)
Montreal Snowshoe Club (1905)
Moonshiners, The (1905)
Moose Hunting in Newfoundland (1905)
Motor Masquerade, A (1905)
Moving Day; or, No Children Allowed (1905)
Man the Lifeboat (1904)
Maniac Chase (1904)
Manoeuvres by British Bluejackets, Afloat and Ashore (1904)
Mariage par correspondance (1904)
Match de prestidigitation (1904)
Meet Me at the Fountain (1904)
Mending Seines on the Columbia River (1904)
Merveilleux éventail vivant, Le (1904)
Military Serenade (1904)
Mining Operations, Pennsylvania Coal Fields (1904)
Mirthful Mary in the Dock (1904)
Mischievous Kid, the Duck and the Gendarme, The (1904)
Misdirected Kiss, The (1904)
Missing Link, The (1904)
Mitron, Le (1904)
Monkey and the Ice Cream, The (1904)
Monkey Bicyclist, The (1904)
Monkey, Dog and Pony Circus (1904)
Moonshiner, The (1904)
Mr. Jack in the Dressing Room (1904)
Music Hall Manager's Dilemma, The (1904)
Mysterious Clock (1904)
Mésaventures de Monsieur Boit-sans-soif, Les (1904)
Métamorphose du papillon, La (1904)
Ma tante (1903)
Madison Square, New York (1903)
Magic Table, The (1903)
Magical Tramp, The (1903)
Magician (1903)
Magie charmante (1903)
Mailing Platform, U.S.P.O. (1903)
Main du professeur Hamilton ou le roi des dollars, La (1903)
Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. (1903)
Main Street, Fall River (1903)
Majestic Stag, A (1903)
Making a Welch Rabbit (1903)
Mammouth Paint Pot, Yosemite Valley (1903)
Man Couchee Dance (1903)
Man Overboard! 'Indiana' (1903)
Man with the Iron Jaw, The (1903)
Man with the Many Faces, The (1903)
Manning the Yard Arm on the U.S. Cruiser Raleigh (1903)
March of the Post Office Employees (1903)
Marché à Hanoi (1903)
Market Scene in Cairo, Egypt (1903)
Market Street Before Parade (1903)
Marvellous Syringe, The (1903)
Mary Had a Little Lamb (1903)
Mary Jane's Mishap (1903)
Massacres de Macédonie (1903)
Max Unger, the Strong Man (1903)
May Pole Dance (1903)
Maypole Dance (1903)
McKinley's Funeral (1903)
Meadowbrook Steeplechase (1903)
Mechanical Head, The (1903)
Memphis & Ft. Scott Railway Bridge (1903)
Memphis Fire Run (1903)
Memphis Water Front (1903)
Men Getting on Trolley, National Cash Register Co. (1903)
Men in Physical Exercise, National Cash Register Co. (1903)
Men Leaving Factory, National Cash Register Co. (1903)
Men Taking Fish from Salmon Seine (1903)
Mephisto's Theatre (1903)
Merry-Go-Round or Carrousel (1903)
Messenger Boy's Mistake, The (1903)
Metropolitan Handicap (1903)
Mexican Bull Fight (1903)
Midwinter Blaze, A (1903)
Military Fire Drill (1903)
Miniature Railway at Wilmington Springs, Delaware (1903)
Minister's Hat, The (1903)
Minuet, No. 3, The (1903)
Mirthful Mary: A Case for the Blacklist (1903)
Mischievous Boys (1903)
Miss Jessie Cameron, Champion Child Sword Dancer (1903)
Miss Jessie Dogherty, Champion Female Highland Fling Dancer (1903)
Mississippi River (1903)
Mitchell Day at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (1903)
Modelage express (1903)
Monk in the Monastery Wine Cellar, The (1903)
Mono-Railway Between Listowel and Ballybunion, Ireland, The (1903)
Monstre, Le (1903)
Moqui Indian Rain Dance (1903)
Morning Exercise on Board the U.S. Cruiser Raleigh (1903)
Mort du pape Léon XIII, La (1903)
Moses in the Bullrushes (1903)
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes (1903)
Mouche, La (1903)
Mountain Torrents (1903)
Mousquetaires de la reine, Les (1903)
Move On (1903)
Mr. Bickford on Trolley, National Cash Register Co. (1903)
Mr. Carney and Friend, National Cash Register Co. (1903)
Mr. Carroll and Assistant, National Cash Register Co. (1903)
Mr. Chalmers and Mr. Gibbs Arrive at Club, National Cash Register Co. (1903)
Mr. Easy Mark (1903)
Mr. J.H. Crane, National Cash Register Co. (1903)
Mr. Krebs in seiner senationellen Schleifenfahrt (1903)
Mr. Lawer, National Cash Register Co. (1903)
Mr. Patterson and Mr. Mark Arriving, National Cash Register Co. (1903)
Mrs. Schneider's First Pinch of Snuff (1903)
Mrs. Taylor Going Over Horseshoe Falls in a Barrel (1903)
Mule Pack Train Taking Gold Dust to Dawson City (1903)
Mules in the Coal Mines (1903)
Murder Scene from 'King of the Detectives' (1903)
Murphy and the Midget (1903)
Murphy His Trouble with His Wife (1903)
Murphy Returns from a Masquerade (1903)
Murphy's Jealousy (1903)
Murphy's Troubles with the Photographer (1903)
Murphy's Wake (1903)
Musical Calisthenics (1903)
Musical Drill with Arms (1903)
Mysterious Trunk, The (1903)
Mât de Cocagne, Le (1903)
Mélomane, Le (1903)
M. le comte de Dion (1902)
Machine volante, La (1902)
Madison Square, New York City (1902)
Magical Changes (1902)
Magical Dish Mender, The (1902)
Magician and the Seven Hats, The (1902)
Maison à l'envers, La (1902)
Malabares, acrobats, Les (1902)
Maniac's Guillotine, The (1902)
Marchand de ballons, Le (1902)
Mardi Gras Parade (1902)
Maria Marten: or, The Murder at the Red Barn (1902)
Martha (1902)
Marvelous Markmanship (1902)
Mechanical Doll, The (1902)
Mermaid Dance, A (1902)
Mermaid's Ballet, The (1902)
Mice (1902)
Michael Casey and the Steam Roller (1902)
Midway of Charleston Exposition (South Carolina) (1902)
Mikado (1902)
Mile a Minute on an Ice Yacht, A (1902)
Milking Time on the Farm (1902)
Miners at Work Under Guard of Troops (1902)
Miniature Railway (1902)
Miniature Railway, The (1902)
Mis-Adventure, A (1902)
Mischievous Boys and the Washerwoman, The (1902)
Mischievous Willie's Rocking Chair Motor (1902)
Mlle Aida and Her Troupe of Performing Dogs (1902)
Moonlight on Lake Maggiore, Italy (1902)
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes (1902)
Mounted Police (1902)
Mounted Soldiers Fording a River (1902)
Moving Picture Operator on a Drunk (1902)
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