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Movie Hero, A (1920)
Movie Madness (1920)
Mr. Fatima (1920)
Mr. Gilfil's Love Story (1920)
Mr. Poincaré in Vlaanderen. Februari 1920. Overhandiging van het Franse Oorlogskruis aan de steden Ieper, Diksmuide en Nieuwpoort (1920)
Mrichha Katika (1920)
Mrs. Erricker's Reputation (1920)
Mrs. Temple's Telegram (1920)
Muerte de Joselito, La (1920)
Mulino, Il (1920)
Mum's the Word (1920)
Mutiny of the Elsinore, The (1920)
Mutt and Jeff in Iceland (1920)
Mutt and Jeff's Nooze Weekly (1920)
My Dog, Pal (1920)
My Goodness (1920)
My Hero (1920)
My Husband's Other Wife (1920)
My Lady's Ankle (1920)
My Lady's Garter (1920)
My Salomy Lions (1920)
Mysteries of Paris, The (1920)
Mysterious Vamp, The (1920)
Mysteriöse Bett, Das (1920)
Mystery Mind, The (1920)
Mystery of the Galvanized Iron Ash Can, The (1920)
Mystère de La Libre Belgique ou les exploits des 4 as, Le (1920)
Mystères du ciel, Les (1920)
Mártir, La (1920)
Mátame (1920)
Mädchen aus der Ackerstraße - 2. Teil, Das (1920)
Mästerman (1920)
Méfiez-vous de votre bonne (1920)
Ménage du Madame Butterfly, Le (1920)
Maciste I (1919)
Maciste innamorato (1919)
Mad Woman, The (1919)
Madame DuBarry (1919)
Madame et son filleul (1919)
Mademoiselle Chiffon (1919)
Madona de las rosas, La (1919)
Madonna of the Slums, The (1919)
Maggie Pepper (1919)
Maglia nera (1919)
Maharadjahens yndlingshustru II (1919)
Maharajaens yndlingsflamme (1919)
Mais Forte, O (1919)
Making of 100 Ton Guns, The (1919)
Making Pottery in Africa (1919)
Mala pasqua (1919)
Male and Female (1919)
Male Mosquito, The (1919)
Maman poupée (1919)
Man and His Money, A (1919)
Man Beneath, The (1919)
Man Hunter, The (1919)
Man in the Moonlight, The (1919)
Man in the Open, A (1919)
Man of Honor, A (1919)
Man of Might (1919)
Man Who Forgot, The (1919)
Man Who Stayed at Home, The (1919)
Man Who Turned White, The (1919)
Man Who Won, The (1919)
Man's Country, A (1919)
Man's Desire (1919)
Man's Duty, A (1919)
Man's Fight, A (1919)
Man-Getter, The (1919)
Mandarin's Gold (1919)
Manden der gøer (1919)
Mann der Tat, Der (1919)
Mann ohne Gedächtnis, Der (1919)
Mannes Wort, Eines (1919)
Manobras do Campo Entrincheirado (1919)
Marathon, The (1919)
March Hare, The (1919)
Margot de Plaisance (1919)
Margots Freier (1919)
Maria (1919)
Marie, Ltd. (1919)
Marion (1919)
Marionetten der Leidenschaft (1919)
Marked Men (1919)
Market of Souls, The (1919)
Marodeure der Revolution (1919)
Marque révélatrice, La (1919)
Marriage for Convenience (1919)
Marriage Price, The (1919)
Married in Haste (1919)
Marry My Wife (1919)
Marrying Molly (1919)
Marthe (1919)
Martino il trovatello (1919)
Mary Moves In (1919)
Mary Regan (1919)
Mary Wood, die Tochter des Sträflings (1919)
Maschera di Venere, La (1919)
Maschera e il volto, La (1919)
Maske, Die (1919)
Masked Rider, The (1919)
Master Man, The (1919)
Mata Hari, the Red Dancer (1919)
Mates and Models (1919)
Matija Gubec (1919)
Matrimonium Sacrum (1919)
Mayor of Filbert, The (1919)
Mazeppa, der Volksheld der Ukraine (1919)
Me and Captain Kidd (1919)
Mea culpa (1919)
Medaille der Republik, Die (1919)
Medea di Portamedina (1919)
Meier und Sohn (1919)
Mein Neffe - Der Herr Baron (1919)
Mein Wille ist Gesetz (1919)
Meine Frau, die Filmschauspielerin (1919)
Melodie des Herzens (1919)
Member of Tattersall's, A (1919)
Memories (1919)
Memory Lane (1919)
Men I Have Met (1919)
Men, Women, and Money (1919)
Menschen in Ketten (1919)
Mentir de los demás, El (1919)
Mentre il pubblico ride (1919)
Merry-Go-Round, The (1919)
Mesonera del Tormes, La (1919)
Mexikanerin, Die (1919)
Meyer aus Berlin (1919)
Micelas de plata, Las (1919)
Microbe, The (1919)
Midnight Gambols (1919)
Midnight Girl, The (1919)
Midnight Man, The (1919)
Midnight Romance, A (1919)
Midnight Stage, The (1919)
Mignon (1919)
Millionaire Paupers, The (1919)
Millionaire Pirate, The (1919)
Mind-the-Paint Girl, The (1919)
Mints of Hell, The (1919)
Mir khizhinam, voyna dvortsam (1919)
Miracle Man, The (1919)
Miracle of Love, The (1919)
Misericordia (1919)
Misfit Earl, A (1919)
Misleading Widow, The (1919)
Miss Adventure (1919)
Miss Arizona (1919)
Miss Crusoe (1919)
Miss Dulcie from Dixie (1919)
Miss Gingersnap (1919)
Miss Mischief (1919)
Missing Bullet, The (1919)
Missing Husband (1919)
Mission du Docteur Klivers, La (1919)
Mission Trail, The (1919)
Mistaken Identity (1919)
Mistero del messale, Il (1919)
Mistero della casa di fronte, Il (1919)
Mistero di Osiris, Il (1919)
Mistero o follia? (1919)
Mite of Love, The (1919)
Mixed Tales (1919)
Mixed Wives (1919)
Miyama no otome (1919)
Mod lyset (1919)
Model Husband, A (1919)
Modern Husbands (1919)
Modern Lochinvar, A (1919)
Moglie scacciata, La (1919)
Molly of the Follies (1919)
Money Corral, The (1919)
Money Talks (1919)
Monitor Americano Surto no Tejo (1919)
Monkey Stuff (1919)
Monkey's Paw, The (1919)
Montana Mountain Adventures (1919)
Moonshine Trail, The (1919)
Moral Deadline, The (1919)
Moral und Sinnlichkeit (1919)
More Deadly Than the Male (1919)
More Than He Bargained For (1919)
Morphium (1919)
Morte che non uccide (1919)
Morte civile, La (1919)
Morvello, como por un tubo (1919)
Mother and the Law, The (1919)
Movie Queen (1919)
Movie Riot, A (1919)
Movimientos brownianos (1919)
Moving Day (1919)
Mr. Outing Climbs Aboard (1919)
Mr. Outing Floats a Dream (1919)
Mr. Wu (1919/I)
Mr. Wu (1919/II)
Mrs. Thompson (1919)
Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1919)
Muff, Der (1919)
Muggsy (1919)
Mules and Mortgages (1919)
Mulle, der Frechdachs (1919)
Muraille qui pleure, La (1919)
Murder in Limehouse, A (1919)
Musical Mews (1919)
Mutt and Jeff in Paris (1919)
Mutt and Jeff in Spain (1919)
Mutt and Jeff in Switzerland (1919)
Mutt the Mutt Trainer (1919)
My Lady Robin Hood (1919)
My Little Sister (1919)
My, How Times Have Changed (1919)
Mystery of 13, The (1919)
Mystery of the Yellow Room, The (1919)
Mystère de la villa Mortain, Le (1919)
Mädchen mit dem fremden Herzen, Das (1919)
Mädchen und die Männer, Das (1919)
Mädchenhirt, Der (1919)
Mürebbiye (1919)
Müvészet diadalútja, A (1919)
M'Liss (1918)
Maciste sonnambulo (1918)
Maciste turista (1918)
Madam Who (1918)
Madama Arlecchino (1918)
Madame Flirt (1918)
Madame Jealousy (1918)
Madame Sphinx (1918)
Madame Spy (1918)
Mademoiselle Monte Cristo (1918)
Madison Square Arabian Night, A (1918)
Magas diplomácia (1918)
Magasins communaux. Porcherie à Lunapark et ferme d'élevage (1918)
Magic Eye, The (1918)
Magistrate's Daughter, The (1918)
Maid o' the Storm (1918)
Maid Wanted (1918)
Maimed in the Hospital (1918)
Main 1-2-3 (1918)
Main d'Annette, La (1918)
Maison d'argile, La (1918)
Make-Believe Wife, The (1918)
Making an Example of Him (1918)
Making of a Sailor, The (1918)
Mal de Espanha (1918)
Malmequer (1918)
Malomute Meg (1918)
Malyutka Elli (1918)
Maman Catherine (1918)
Mammon and the Archer (1918)
Man Above the Law, The (1918)
Man and the Moment, The (1918)
Man from Funeral Range, The (1918)
Man Hunt, The (1918)
Man of Bronze, The (1918)
Man Who Woke Up, The (1918)
Man Who Won, The (1918)
Man Who Wouldn't Tell, The (1918)
Man's Man, A (1918)
Man's World, A (1918)
Man-Eater, The (1918)
Mandarin, Der (1918)
Mands vilje (1918)
Mania. Die Geschichte einer Zigarettenarbeiterin (1918)
Mann im Monde, Der (1918)
Manon Lescaut (1918)
Mantle of Charity, The (1918)
Manuscrito de una madre, El (1918)
Many a Slip (1918)
Maria di Magdala (1918)
Mariage de Chiffon, Le (1918)
Marinella (1918)
Marion de Lorme (1918)
Marionettes, The (1918)
Mariute (1918)
Marked Cards (1918)
Market Days and Festivals (1918)
Marquis and Miss Sally, The (1918)
Marriage (1918)
Marriage a la Mode (1918/I)
Marriage Bubble, The (1918)
Marriage by Proxy (1918)
Marriage Lie, The (1918)
Marriage Ring, The (1918)
Marriage Trap, The (1918)
Marriages Are Made (1918)
Married Virgin, The (1918)
Mary Ann (1918)
Marâtre, La (1918)
María (1918)
Mascamor (1918)
Maschera del barbaro, La (1918)
Mascotte des poilus, La (1918)
Mask, The (1918)
Maskenfest des Lebens, Das (1918)
Masque de l'amour, Le (1918)
Master of Gray, The (1918)
Matching Billy (1918)
Matinee Girl, The (1918)
Mating of Marcella, The (1918)
Mating, The (1918)
Matrimonio di Olimpia, Il (1918)
Matt (1918)
Mayil Ravana (1918)
Me and Gott (1918/I)
Me und Gott (1918/I)
Me und Gott (1918/II)
Meatless Days and Sleepless Nights (1918)
Mechta i zhizn (1918)
Meddlers and Moonshiners (1918)
Medikus, A (1918)
Meeting Theda Bara (1918)
Meg o' the Woods (1918)
Megbélyegzett, A (1918)
Melkfabrieken van het comité national (1918)
Melodie duszy (1918)
Men (1918)
Men of the Hour, The (1918)
Men Who Have Made Love to Me (1918)
Menace, The (1918)
Menschen, die durchs Leben irren (1918)
Mercy, the Mummy Mumbled (1918)
Merely Players (1918)
Merry Mermaids, The (1918)
Message, The (1918)
Messenger, The (1918)
Mexico Today (1918/I)
Mexico Today (1918/II)
Mexico's Floating Gardens (1918)
Mezczyzna (1918)
Mickey (1918)
Midas király (1918)
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