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Messenger of Death, The (1914)
Messenger of Gladness, A (1914)
Metamorphosis (1914)
Methods of Margaret, The (1914)
Mettle of a Man, The (1914)
Mexican Spy in America, A (1914)
Mexican Warrior, A (1914)
Mexican's Gratitude, The (1914)
Mexican's Last Raid, The (1914)
Mexican, The (1914)
Mexico Mix, A (1914)
Miarka, la fille à l'ourse (1914)
Michael Arnold and Doctor Lynn (1914)
Michael Strogoff (1914)
Micky Flynn's Escapade (1914)
Midnight Alarm, The (1914)
Midnight Call, The (1914)
Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, The (1914)
Midnight Soaring (1914)
Midnight Supper, A (1914)
Midnight Tragedy, A (1914)
Midnight Visitor, The (1914)
Midnight Wedding, The (1914)
Midsummer's Love Tangle, A (1914)
Mike and Jake Go in for Matrimony (1914)
Mike and Jake in the Clutch of Circumstances (1914)
Mike and Jake Join the Army (1914)
Mike and Jake Live Close to Nature (1914)
Mike Murphy as a Picture Actor (1914)
Mike Murphy's Dream of Love and Riches (1914)
Mike Searches for His Long-Lost Brother (1914)
Mildred's Doll (1914)
Militant, The (1914)
Military Judas, A (1914)
Milkfed Boy, The (1914)
Mill of Life, The (1914)
Mill Stream, The (1914)
Millinery Mix-Up, A (1914)
Million Bid, A (1914)
Million Dollar Bride, The (1914)
Million Dollar Mystery, The (1914)
Million Dollar Robbery, The (1914)
Million in Jewels, A (1914)
Million in Pearls, A (1914)
Million, The (1914)
Millionen-Halsband, Das (1914)
Millionenmine, Die (1914)
Millionenraub, Ein (1914)
Millions for Defence (1914)
Mills of the Gods, The (1914)
Mind's Awakening, The (1914)
Miner's Baby, The (1914)
Miner's Peril, The (1914)
Miner's Romance, A (1914)
Miniature Portrait, The (1914)
Minister van landbouw woont de opening bij van de tentoonstelling van het runderras in het Jubelpark (1914)
Minstrel Man, The (1914)
Miracle, The (1914)
Mirror, The (1914)
Misadventures of a Mighty Monarch, The (1914)
Mischief Maker, The (1914)
Miser Murray's Wedding Present (1914)
Miser's Policy, The (1914)
Miser's Reversion, The (1914)
Misleading Miss, A (1914)
Misplaced Foot, A (1914)
Miss Nobody from Nowhere (1914)
Miss Raffles (1914)
Miss Tomboy and Freckles (1914)
Missing Bride, A (1914)
Mister Noad's Adless Day (1914)
Mister Smith fait l'ouverture (1914)
Misterio de dolor (1914)
Mistress of Deadwood Basin, The (1914)
Mistress of the Air, The (1914)
Mix-Up at Murphy's, The (1914)
Mix-Up on the Plains, A (1914)
Mlle. La Mode (1914)
Model Young Man, A (1914)
Modella, La (1914)
Moderen (1914)
Modern Fairy Tale, A (1914)
Modern Free-Lance, A (1914)
Modern Melnotte, A (1914)
Modern Mephisto, A (1914)
Modern Othello, A (1914)
Modern Vendetta, A (1914)
Moderne Messalina, Den (1914)
Modèle, Le (1914)
Mohammedan Conspiracy, A (1914)
Mollie and the Oil King (1914)
Molly the Drummer Boy (1914)
Monde renversé, Le (1914)
Mondfischerin (1914)
Mondo baldoria (1914)
Money God, or Do Riches Bring Happiness?, The (1914)
Money Lender, The (1914/I)
Money Lender, The (1914/II)
Mongrel and Master (1914)
Monkey's Cabaret, The (1914)
Monsieur Bluebeard (1914)
Monsieur Chasse (1914)
Monsieur Filoche fait l'ouverture (1914)
Monsieur Lecoq (1914)
Monsieur Pelche fait l'ouverture (1914)
Monsieur Vautour (1914)
Monster and the Girl, The (1914)
Moonlight (1914)
Moonshine Maid and the Man, The (1914)
Moonshine Molly (1914)
Moonshiner's Daughter, The (1914)
Moonshiners, The (1914)
Moonstones of Fez, The (1914)
Morning Papers, The (1914)
Morphia the Death Drug (1914)
Mort au champ d'honneur (1914)
Mortiers van de loopgrachten, De (1914)
Mot du coffre, Le (1914)
Mother (1914)
Mother and Wife (1914)
Mother Heart, The (1914)
Mother Love (1914)
Mother o' Dreams (1914)
Mother of the Shadows (1914)
Mother's Atonement, A (1914)
Mother's Baby Boy (1914)
Mother's Choice (1914)
Mother's Heart, A (1914)
Mother's Influence, A (1914)
Mother's Way, A (1914)
Motherhood (1914)
Motherless Kids, The (1914)
Motor Buccaneers, The (1914)
Motorcycle Elopement, A (1914)
Mountain Law (1914)
Mountain Law, The (1914)
Mountain Rat, The (1914)
Mountain Traitor, The (1914)
Mountaineer, The (1914)
Moving Picture Cowboy, The (1914)
Mr. Barnes of New York (1914)
Mr. Bingle's Melodrama (1914)
Mr. Bunny in Disguise (1914)
Mr. Bunnyhug Buys a Hat for His Bride (1914)
Mr. Cinderella (1914)
Mr. Daly's Wedding Day (1914)
Mr. Hadley's Uncle (1914)
Mr. Santa Claus (1914)
Mr. Wood B. Wedd (1914)
Mrs. Black Is Back (1914)
Mrs. Maloney's Fortune (1914)
Mrs. Manley's Baby (1914)
Mrs. Peyton's Pearls (1914)
Mrs. Pinkhurst's Proxy (1914)
Mrs. Van Ruyter's Stratagem (1914)
Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1914)
Mud Bath Elopement, The (1914)
Muertos hablan, Los (1914)
Munkászubbony, A (1914)
Murderous Elopement, A (1914)
Murders in the Rue Morgue, The (1914)
Murdock Trial, The (1914)
Murphy and the Mermaids (1914)
Musician's Daughter, The (1914)
Musician's Wife, The (1914)
My Friend from India (1914)
My Mother's Irish Shawls (1914)
My Official Wife (1914)
Myer's Mistake (1914)
Mysterious Beauty, The (1914)
Mysterious Black Box, The (1914)
Mysterious Hand, The (1914)
Mysterious Leopard Lady, The (1914)
Mysterious Lodger, The (1914)
Mysterious Man of the Jungle, The (1914)
Mysterious Mr. Davey, The (1914)
Mysterious Mr. Wu Chung Foo, The (1914)
Mysterious Mystery, A (1914)
Mysterious Rose, The (1914)
Mysterious Shot, The (1914)
Mystery Lady, The (1914)
Mystery of a Taxicab, The (1914)
Mystery of Brayton Court, The (1914)
Mystery of Buffalo Gap, The (1914)
Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (1914)
Mystery of Grayson Hall, The (1914)
Mystery of Richmond Castle, The (1914)
Mystery of Room 643, The (1914)
Mystery of the Amsterdam Diamonds, The (1914)
Mystery of the Diamond Belt, The (1914)
Mystery of the Faceless Tints, The (1914)
Mystery of the Fatal Pearl, The (1914)
Mystery of the Glass Tubes, The (1914)
Mystery of the Hidden House, The (1914)
Mystery of the Hindu Image, The (1914)
Mystery of the Ladder, The (1914)
Mystery of the Laughing Death, The (1914)
Mystery of the Lost Stradivarius (1914)
Mystery of the Milk, The (1914)
Mystery of the Octagonal Room, The (1914)
Mystery of the Old Mill, The (1914)
Mystery of the Poison Pool, The (1914)
Mystery of the Sea View Hotel, The (1914)
Mystery of the Sealed Art Gallery, The (1914)
Mystery of the Seven Chests (1914)
Mystery of the Silver Snare, The (1914)
Mystery of the Sleeping Death, The (1914)
Mystery of the Talking Wire, The (1914)
Mystery of the White Car, The (1914)
Mystery of the Yellow Sunbonnet, The (1914)
Mystery of Wickham Hall, The (1914)
Mystère de Coatserho, Le (1914)
Médecin des pauvres, Le (1914)
Ma and the Boys (1913)
Ma l'amor mio non muore (1913)
Ma's Apron Strings (1913)
Mabel's Awful Mistakes (1913)
Mabel's Dramatic Career (1913)
Mabel's Heroes (1913)
Mabel's New Hero (1913)
Macbeth (1913)
Mad Sculptor, The (1913)
Madcap of the Hills, The (1913)
Madcap, The (1913)
Made a Coward (1913)
Mademoiselle 100 millions (1913)
Mademoiselle Etchiko (1913)
Madonna of the Slums, The (1913)
Madonna of the Storm (1913)
Maelstrom, The (1913)
Maestrina, La (1913)
Maggie Tries Society Life (1913)
Magic Melody (1913)
Magic Shoes, The (1913)
Maid of Honor, The (1913)
Maid of Mandalay, A (1913)
Maid of the Mountains (1913)
Main de fer et l'évasion du forçat de Croze (1913)
Mains qui meurent, Les (1913)
Mairi: The Romance of a Highland Maiden (1913)
Maison du baigneur, La (1913)
Maison du glacier, La (1913)
Maja (1913)
Making a Baseball Bug (1913)
Making Himself a Hero (1913)
Making of a Woman, The (1913)
Making of an Automobile Tyre, The (1913)
Making of Broncho Billy, The (1913)
Mal d'Onésime, Le (1913)
Mala raza (1913)
Malédiction, La (1913)
Mammy's Chile (1913)
Man and His Other Self (1913)
Man and Woman (1913)
Man from the City, The (1913)
Man from the Golden West, The (1913)
Man He Might Have Been, The (1913)
Man Higher Up, The (1913)
Man in the Cabin, The (1913)
Man in the Street (1913)
Man in the World of Men, A (1913)
Man Next Door, The (1913)
Man of the People, A (1913)
Man of the Woods (1913)
Man Outside, The (1913/I)
Man Outside, The (1913/II)
Man Who Dared, The (1913)
Man Who Might Have Been, The (1913)
Man Who Vanished, The (1913)
Man Who Wouldn't Marry, The (1913)
Man's Awakening, A (1913)
Man's Duty (1913)
Man's Greed for Gold (1913)
Mani ignote, Le (1913)
Manicure Girl, The (1913)
Manicure, The (1913)
Manicurist and the Mutt, The (1913)
Manifestation socialiste de Charleroi (1913)
Mann mit den sieben Gesichtern, Der (1913)
Mannekängen (1913)
Mannequin, Le (1913)
Mannequins (1913)
Mansion of Misery, The (1913)
Manteau de zibeline, Le (1913)
Marble Heart (1913)
Marcantonio e Cleopatra (1913)
Marche des rois, La (1913)
Margaret's Painting (1913)
Margarita and the Mission Funds (1913)
Marhakereskedö, A (1913)
Maria Marten, or: The Murder in the Red Barn (1913)
Maria Roma (1913)
Mariage de l'amour, Le (1913)
Mariage de miss Nelly, Le (1913)
Mariage forcé, Le (1913)
Marie Lloyd at Home and Bunkered (1913)
Marina de razboi româna (1913)
Marinos de papel, Los (1913)
Marions-nous (1913)
Mariquita, La (1913)
Marooned (1913)
Marquise de Trévenec, La (1913)
Married in Haste (1913)
Married Ones, The (1913)
Marseillaise, La (1913)
Marshal's Capture, The (1913)
Martha's Decision (1913)
Martyr calviniste, Le (1913)
Mary of Briarwood Dell (1913)
Mary Stuart (1913)
Mary the Flower Girl (1913)
Mary's Romance (1913)
Mary's Temptation (1913)
Masher Cop, The (1913)
Mask, The (1913)
Masquerade, The (1913)
Masquerading in Bear Canyon (1913)
Massacre, The (1913)
Master and Man (1913)
Master Cracksman, The (1913)
Master Fixit, The (1913)
Master Jefferson Green (1913)
Master Mix-Up, A (1913)
Master of Himself (1913)
Master of the Garden, The (1913)
Master Painter, The (1913)
Matches (1913)
Mate of the Schooner 'Sadie', The (1913)
Mathilde (1913)
Mating (1913)
Matrimonial Agency, The (1913)
Matrimonial Deluge, A (1913)
Matrimonial Manoeuvres (1913)
Matrimonial Venture of the 'Bar X' Hands, The (1913)
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