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Morte del Duca D'Ofenam, La (1916)
Mot de l'énigme, Le (1916)
Mother Call, The (1916)
Mother Instinct, The (1916)
Mother Love (1916)
Mother's Child (1916)
Mother's Guiding Hand (1916)
Mother's Influence, A (1916)
Motor Mad (1916)
Motor Mat and His Flivver (1916)
Motoring in England (1916)
Mouchoir de dentelle, Le (1916)
Moulin tragique, Le (1916)
Mountain Blood (1916)
Mountain Nymph, A (1916)
Mountain Tragedy, A (1916)
Movements the Eye Misses (1916)
Movie Star, A (1916)
Movie Struck (1916)
Movimiento continuo, El (1916)
Moving Finger, The (1916)
Mr. Buddy Briggs, Burglar (1916)
Mr. Bumps, Commuter (1916)
Mr. Fuller Pep Breaks for the Beach (1916)
Mr. Fuller Pep Dabbles in the Pond (1916)
Mr. Fuller Pep Tries Mesmerism (1916)
Mr. Goode, Samaritan (1916)
Mr. Housekeeper (1916)
Mr. Jack Ducks the Alimony (1916)
Mr. Jack Goes Into Business (1916)
Mr. Jack Hires a Stenographer (1916)
Mr. Jack Inspects Paris (1916)
Mr. Jack Trifles (1916)
Mr. Jack Wins a Double-Cross (1916)
Mr. Jack's Artistic Sense (1916)
Mr. Jack's Hat and the Cat (1916)
Mr. Jack, a Doctor by Proxy (1916)
Mr. Jack, a Hallroom Hero (1916)
Mr. Jack, the Hash Magnet (1916)
Mr. Jocko from Jungletown (1916)
Mr. McIdiot's Assassination (1916)
Mr. Nobody Holme Buys a Jitney (1916)
Mrs. Dane's Danger (1916)
Mrs. Green's Mistake (1916)
Muchly Married (1916)
Mud Cure, The (1916)
Muggins (1916)
Mumiens halsbaand (1916)
Murder by Mistake (1916)
Murderous Moros of Mindanao, The (1916)
Murphy of Anzac (1916)
Music As a Hair Restorer (1916)
Music Swindlers, The (1916)
Musical Barber, The (1916)
Musical Madness (1916)
Musickers (1916)
Mutiny (1916)
Mutiny of the Bounty, The (1916)
Mutt and Jeff in the Submarine (1916)
Muñecos (1916)
My Country First (1916)
My Country, 'Tis of Thee (1916)
My Lady Incog. (1916)
My Lady's Slipper (1916)
My Partner (1916)
My Wife's Husband (1916)
My, How Times Have Changed (1916)
Myrtle the Manicurist (1916)
Mysl (1916)
Mysteries of Myra, The (1916)
Mysterious Double, The (1916)
Mysterious Visitor, The (1916)
Mystery of Orcival, The (1916)
Mystery of the Brass Bound Chest, The (1916)
Mystery of the Leaping Fish, The (1916)
Mystery of the Mesa, The (1916)
Mystery of the Riviera, The (1916)
Mystiske z straaler, De (1916)
Mystères de l'ombre, Les (1916)
Mágnás Miska (1916)
Médecin des enfants, Le (1916)
Méltóságos rabasszony (1916)
México en 1910 (1916)
M'Liss (1915)
Ma Hoggan's New Boarder (1915)
Ma Tries to Reduce (1915)
Ma's Girls (1915)
Mabel and Fatty Viewing the World's Fair at San Francisco (1915)
Mabel and Fatty's Married Life (1915)
Mabel and Fatty's Simple Life (1915)
Mabel and Fatty's Wash Day (1915)
Mabel Lost and Won (1915)
Mabel's Wilful Way (1915)
Mabel, Fatty and the Law (1915)
Macbeth (1915)
MacDougal's Aeroplane (1915)
Maciste (1915)
Mad Maid of the Forest, The (1915)
Madame Blanche, Beauty Doctor (1915)
Madame Butterfly (1915)
Madame de Thèbes (1915)
Madame Fleur-de-Neige (1915)
Madcap Adventure, A (1915)
Madcap Queen of Gredshoffen, The (1915)
Mademoiselle Pimple (1915)
Madonna, The (1915)
Magic Bon Bons, The (1915)
Magic Mirror, The (1915)
Magic Skin, The (1915)
Magic Toy Maker, The (1915)
Magistrate's Story, The (1915)
Magnate of Paradise, The (1915)
Magnet of Destruction, The (1915)
Maid and a Man, A (1915)
Maid by Proxy, A (1915)
Maid o' the Mountain, The (1915)
Maid of Romance, The (1915)
Maid of the Mist (1915)
Maid of the Wild, The (1915)
Maison du passeur, La (1915)
Majesty of the Law, The (1915)
Maker of Dreams, The (1915)
Maker of Guns, A (1915)
Making a Man of Johnny (1915)
Making Matters Worse (1915)
Making of Crooks, The (1915)
Making Over Father (1915)
Making Over of Geoffrey Manning, The (1915)
Malheur qui passe, Le (1915)
Maloola from Paloona (1915)
Man Afraid, A (1915)
Man and His Master (1915)
Man and His Mate, A (1915)
Man and His Money, A (1915)
Man and His Work, A (1915)
Man and the Outlaw (1915)
Man at the Key, The (1915)
Man Behind the Door, The (1915)
Man for All That, A (1915)
Man from Argentina, The (1915)
Man from Oregon, The (1915)
Man from Texas, The (1915)
Man from the Desert, The (1915)
Man from Town, The (1915)
Man Haters, The (1915)
Man in Hiding, The (1915)
Man in Irons, The (1915)
Man in Motley, The (1915)
Man in Possession, The (1915)
Man in the Attic, The (1915)
Man in the Chair, The (1915)
Man in the Shadows, The (1915)
Man of God, The (1915)
Man of His Word, A (1915)
Man of Iron, A (1915)
Man of It, The (1915)
Man of Parts, A (1915)
Man of Shame, The (1915)
Man on Watch, The (1915)
Man or Money? (1915)
Man Overboard (1915)
Man Servant, The (1915)
Man to Man (1915/I)
Man to Man (1915/II)
Man Trail, The (1915)
Man Who Beat Dan Dolan, The (1915)
Man Who Couldn't Beat God, The (1915)
Man Who Died, The (1915)
Man Who Found Himself, The (1915)
Man Who Found Out, The (1915)
Man Who Never Was Caught, The (1915)
Man Who Stayed at Home, The (1915)
Man Who Vanished, The (1915)
Man Who Wasn't, The (1915)
Man Who Went Out, The (1915)
Man with a Record, The (1915)
Man with the Scar, The (1915)
Man's Law (1915)
Man's Making, The (1915)
Man's Prerogative, A (1915)
Man's Sacrifice, A (1915)
Man's Temptation, A (1915)
Man, the Mission and the Maid, The (1915)
Man-Afraid-of-His-Wardrobe (1915)
Mann mit der leuchtenden Stirn, Der (1915)
Manna (1915)
Manners and the Man (1915)
Mano di Fatma, La (1915)
Mano troncata, La (1915)
Mansion of Tragedy, A (1915)
Manya, die Türkin (1915)
Marble Heart, The (1915)
Marchande de fleurs, La (1915)
Marcia nuziale, La (1915)
Margie of the Underworld (1915)
Margie Puts One Over (1915)
Margot (1915)
Maria Niemand und ihre zwölf Väter (1915)
Marianna (1915)
Mariano Moreno y la revolución de Mayo (1915)
Marionetten (1915)
Market Price of Love, The (1915)
Markswoman, The (1915)
Marmaduke and His Angel (1915)
Marmotte, La (1915)
Marriage of Kitty, The (1915)
Married for Money (1915)
Married on Credit (1915)
Marrying Money (1915)
Marse Covington (1915)
Martin Lowe, Financier (1915)
Martiri di Belfiore, I (1915)
Martyr of the Present, A (1915)
Martyrs of the Alamo (1915)
Marvelous Marathoner, The (1915)
Mary (1915)
Mary's Duke (1915)
Mary's Lamb (1915)
Maschera folle, La (1915)
Mask, a Ring and a Pair of Handcuffs, A (1915)
Masked Fate (1915)
Masked Substitute, The (1915)
Masqueraders, The (1915)
Massive Movie Mermaid, A (1915)
Master and Man (1915)
Master Hand, The (1915)
Master Mummer, The (1915)
Master of His House, The (1915)
Master of Merripit, The (1915)
Master of the House, The (1915)
Master of the Sword, The (1915)
Master's Model, The (1915)
Masterful Hireling, The (1915)
Matchmakers, The (1915)
Matilda's Legacy (1915)
Mating, The (1915)
Matrimonial Bliss (1915)
Matrimonial Boomerang, A (1915)
Matrimony (1915)
Matter of Parentage, A (1915)
Matty's Decision (1915)
Maud et tante Zélie (1915)
Mavis of the Glen (1915)
Max Is Love Sick (1915)
May Blossom (1915)
Mayor's Decision, The (1915)
Means and Morals (1915)
Measure of a Man, The (1915)
Measure of Leon Du Bray, The (1915)
Mechanical Man, The (1915)
Meddler, The (1915)
Meddlesome Darling, The (1915)
Meg o' the Cliffs (1915)
Mein Friendt Schneider (1915)
Meineidbauer, Der (1915)
Melting Pot, The (1915)
Memorie del diavolo, Le (1915)
Memory Tree, The (1915)
Men at Their Best (1915)
Men of the Mountains (1915)
Menace of the Mute, The (1915)
Menace, La (1915)
Mender, The (1915)
Menneskeskæbner (1915)
Mercy on a Crutch (1915)
Merely a Married Man (1915)
Merely Players (1915)
Merry Chase, A (1915)
Merry Models, The (1915)
Merry Moving Men, The (1915)
Mesmerist, The (1915)
Message Through Flames, A (1915)
Message, The (1915)
Mettle of Jerry McGuire, The (1915)
Mezzanotte (1915)
Microscopic Pond Life (1915)
Midas of the Desert, A (1915)
Middleman, The (1915)
Midnight at Maxim's (1915)
Midnight Mail, The (1915)
Midnight Prowlers, The (1915)
Midshipman Easy (1915)
Mieze Strempels Werdegang (1915)
Mighty Hold, The (1915)
Mignon (1915)
Mike & Meyer (1915)
Mike and the Zeppelin Raid (1915)
Mike Donegal's Escape (1915)
Mike Murphy's Marathon (1915)
Mike's Elopement (1915)
Milady's Boudoir (1915)
Mile-a-Minute Monty (1915)
Milestones of Life (1915)
Militant School Ma'am, A (1915)
Mill by the Zuyder Zee, The (1915)
Mill on the Floss, The (1915)
Millinery Man, The (1915)
Millionaire Baby, The (1915)
Millionaire Engineer, The (1915)
Millionaire for a Minute, A (1915)
Millionaire Paupers, The (1915)
Millionaire's Hundred Dollar Bill, The (1915)
Millionæren i røverhænder (1915)
Mind Over Motor (1915)
Minerva Courtney as Chaplin in Her Job in the Laundry (1915)
Minerva Courtney as Chaplin Putting It Over (1915)
Minerva's Mission (1915)
Minlotsen (1915)
Minne (1915)
Minnie the Tiger (1915)
Minnie, the Mean Manicurist (1915)
Miracle of Life, The (1915)
Miracle, The (1915)
Mirror of Justice, The (1915)
Mirror, The (1915)
Miser of Monterey, The (1915)
Miser's Legacy, The (1915)
Mishaps of Marceline, The (1915)
Misjudged (1915)
Misjudged Mr. Hartley, The (1915)
Mismated (1915)
Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers (1915)
Miss Freckles (1915)
Miss Jekyll and the Madame Hyde (1915)
Miss Minerva Courtney in Her Impersonation of Charlie Chaplin (1915)
Miss Sticky-Moufie-Kiss (1915)
Miss Trillie's Big Feet (1915)
Missing Clue, The (1915)
Missing Ruby, The (1915)
Mission of Morrison, The (1915)
Mission of Mr. Foo, The (1915)
Mistake in Typesetting, A (1915)
Mistake of Mammy Lou, The (1915)
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